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Friday, January 18, 2013

A CRITICAL POINT TO REMEMBER : Public scrutiny, debate and analysis denied to the American people before the vote, the Obama health care bill was hidden on purpose from the public by Pelosi and Obama before it was passed ...

Pelosi, Obama and the Democrat majority in Congress commit
deviant, underhanded, dishonest oppression of freedom of the press
and Congressional Malpractice to get the Obama health care bill
passed ....
and remember :
The Obama health care bill is illegal because Congress cannot force
Americans to buy something. The Obama health care bill FORCES
Americans to buy something and forces them to  live under illegal,
devastating statutes in the bill.
Pelosi, Obama and the Democrat majority in Congress promised
the bill would be made available to the public three days before
the vote on the bill.They broke the promise and did not make it
available to the public as promised.
Remember : It was a Democrat majority in Congress at the time the
Obama health care bill was passed in 2010. The bill was hid intentionally by Pelosi, Obama and the Democrat majority in Congress from the public for a specific reason for a specific result by hiding it.  Why ?
The following is VERY KEY important point to remember. It was 
hidden deviantly, underhandedly, and inntentionally  for a reason,
and it is this ...
They did not want the public and Conservative media to find out
what was in the bill ( devastating consequences in the bill )
so that there would be less public pressure on the Democrats to
NOT vote for it.
Pelosi needed all of her Democrats in Congress as possible to vote
YES for it, and the more the public would know about it, the more
public pressure would result in the form of letters to Democrats in
Congress, e-mails, and phone calls. The bill's specifics would be seen by liberal and  Conservative print and T.V. media. Specifics would have made it to Facebook and other social media and Conservative websites, thus increasing pressure on theDemocrats in Congres NOT to vote for it. Pelosi would do anything to get the votes to pass it.
Nancy Pelosi's words in a speech before they passed the bill, " But we have to pass the bill so we can find out what's in it, away from the fog of controversy. "

See the video of Pelosi's comment :


Are Americans going to allow the Democrat's Obama health care bill to ruin America ?
Don't ! Epic ruin to the American way of life is coming, unless good people stand and
reveal it to the American people, then the American people elect the proper people to
rid America of the Obama health care bill.

Proper time for public scrutiny, debate and analysis should have been given to such an important issue. It was and is necessary, but that was unjustly, corruptly and devaintly denied to the American people by Pelosi and Mr. Obama. The Obama health care bill was hidden on purpose from the public by Pelosi and Obama before it was passed, because they wanted to oppress the truth. Why ? To keep PUBLICpressure off of Democrats in Congress, and thus to keeping Pelos's Democrats in Congress from voting NO on the bill. They broke their promise to make it available to the public three days before the vote in the Spring 0f 2010. It is critical to remember this :

No public analysis of the bill was permitted. Some publications ( from The Liberty Caucus ) were compiled and put out on projected negative consequences to come from the bill, but the bill itself was NOT released to the public as promised prior to the vote. This amounted to egregious Congressional malpractice and deviancy by the Democrat majority led by speaker of teh House Nancy Pelosi. Surely Pelosi's motive for this MUST have been to keep the public in the dark so as to keep any negative public pressure phone calls, letters and e-mails from keeping her Democrats in Congress from voting NO on the bill.

Nancy Pelosi's words in a speech before they passed the bill, " But we have to pass the
bill so we can find out what's in it, away from the fog of controversy. " See the video of
Pelosi's  comment :

Democrat Congressmen and women didn't even read the bill before they passed it.
An issue/ bill such as this should have been presented in a fair manner to the
American people  long before it was put for up for a vote so that it's DEVASTATING
consequences could be seen, and then could be defeated by the public with pressure
on Congress.

The Democrat advocacy bias media unfairly engaged in media malpractice by not
going over it, did not research it's consequences, and did not present those
consequences to the public. They probably knew, but no doubt wanted to protect
their Democratcandidates and incumbents Mr. Obama, Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress.

In other words, they did not vette the bill many months ahead of the vote, just
as they did not vette Obama during the 2008 primary campaign. This is media
malpractice and was, and continues to be unfair to the American people who have
to suffer the DEVASTATING consequences unless the bill is completely dismantled !

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